Meet Dr. Theoharis

Orthopedic Surgeon
Center for Integrated Physical Holistic
and Complementary Medicine

Meet Dr. Vasileios I. Theocharis, Orthopedic Surgeon in Holistic Medicine, Honorary Doctor of the Ioannina School of Medicine.

I am really excited about the therapeutic work I do. My goal is to give more help to people with chronic problems, with solutions that work in a natural way and, often, without the need for a prescription or surgical intervention.


For the past 15 years, I have adapted my therapeutic approach using the latest developments in the field of integrated holistic natural medicine to help a wide range of people: from those who wish to adopt preventive methods and have more energy to those facing the most debilitating illnesses.


After graduating from the School of Medicine, the conventional course of providing medical services through the prescription of drugs did not satisfy me as a new doctor, due to the many side effects and the inability of improvement in the case of chronic disease.

After completing my service as a rural/country doctor in Karystos, Kavo Doro, I pursued the orthopedic specialty at Asklipieio Voulas General Hospital, and I completed it in 1992 after successful examinations.

Immediately afterwards, I was trained in orthopedic surgery at the Loma Linda University Hospital in CA USA and, upon completion, I attended a specialized health department in Bakerfield CA USA on the prevention and treatment of chronic degenerative diseases, and on primary health care. The main therapeutic tools were the science of orthomolecular diet and the healthy mind lifestyle, as well as outreach as a family counselor.

Returning from the US, I joined the Department of Physiology at the University of Ioannina School of Medicine, where I received my doctoral degree with honors, in July 2011, on the activity of antioxidants in disease. I, later, participated in activities related to the applications of electromagnetic fields in terminal disease and cancer cases, with the aim of extending the life expectancy of patients and, at the same time, improving their quality of life as well.

This activity continues to this day. I have been actively involved in the events of the Laboratory of Physiology at the Ioannina Medical School for more than ten years, with published work and ongoing activity:

  • Αnti Platelet and anti-cancer activities of natural components in red wine.
  • Inhibition of platelet aggregation and stimulation of natural killer cells functionality by administration of flavonoids (Publication in a valid international journal )

I returned to the US in 2001 for postgraduate study on the chelation of heavy metals – chelating agents with applications in:

  • the narrowing of vessels
  • uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
  • arthritis not regulated by standard medication
  • anti-aging
  • diabetic ulcers
  • heavy metal poisoning
  • neuro-psychiatric disease

It is a treatment that reduces the number of toxic free radicals caused by metals, which lead to the development of atherosclerosis and many other degenerative diseases of aging. The regulation of calcium and cholesterol in the body, through the chelating process, improves the normalization of the internal chemistry of cells. This gives the body time to heal and restore blood flow through the blood vessels. This intravenous chelating therapy often brings definitive improvement to many metabolic and physiological processes in the body.

In 2008, I completed a special training program by the International Medical Society for EAV on bioresonance medicine and, in particular, electroacupuncture according to Dr. Voll – Germany. I participated actively in this training, and I successfully passed the theoretical and practical exams.

After attending a two-year seminar series and after successful examinations at the Acupuncture Training Institute, under the auspices of the International Council for Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques(ICMART), I became a Certified Acupuncture Practitioner.

I am a member of the Greek Medical Acupuncture Group.

I regularly attend further training at the Academy of Medical Acupuncture in Beijing.

I have been a member of the Medical Association of Athens since 1985 and until 23/09/1992, and a member of the Medical Association of Piraeus from 24/09/92 until the present day. I served as a Deputy Director at the Social Insurance Institute for the period 2004-2011. Today I ran medical practices in the areas of Korydallos

Social activity

  • City councilor for the Municipality of Nikaia-Agios Ioannis Rentis.
  • Vice President of the Legal Entity of Public Law on Social Protection for the Municipality of Nikaia-Agios Ioannis Rentis. President of the “Three Hierarchs” charity institution.
  • Engraved plaques from the Social Insurance Institute of Nikaia Metropolis of Nikaia.

As a doctor, my mission is to help in people’s health and energy restoration and to strengthen the reasons for the existence of life, by offering education, discussion and scientifically-founded alternative solutions to surgery and prescription drugs. It would be my honor to work with you towards enhancing or recovering your health!

For Your Health
Doctor of the Ioannina Medical School
Postgraduate training at the Loma Linda University Hospital in CA, USA.