Laboratory Testing

Center for Integrated Physical Holistic
and Complementary Medicine

In the pain clinic of Dr. Vasileios Theocharis in Piraeus, laboratory testing is performed in collaboration with reputable diagnostic laboratories:

  • Free Radicals
  • Platelets
  • Qualitative – Quantitative Detection of Trace Elements – Heavy Metals.
  • Food Intolerance Test

In this case, we have the following:


Hair as a reliable testing material

All the chemical elements absorbed by the organism through food, water and air are stored in the hair. Formal studies have shown that it is the most reliable biological material for the accurate determination of micro- and macro-metals.

Why Hair Analysis is necessary in Healthy People

Mineral balance disabilities, as well as heavy metal toxicity, can cause various symptoms, such as fatigue, allergies, irritability, headaches, insomnia, hair loss, obesity, developmental delay in children, and concentration and memory disorders.

Hair analysis is the only method for the calculation of all of these pathological parameters long before the condition manifests.

Laboratory Testing

Hair analysis is the only method for the calculation of all of these pathological parameters long before the condition manifests.

  • ossification, Ca, Zn, Mn
  • carbohydrate – fat metabolism, Cz, Z
  • heart function, K, Mg, Cr
  • growth in height, Zn, Mn, F
  • protection against harmful substances, Se, S, Zn

and many other biological functions.

What problems can hair analysis solve?

  • Defining the lack or excess of trace elements guides us specifically towards a balanced diet and proper intake of nutritional supplements.
  • Upon detection of contamination in the organism by toxic substances (Pb, Hg, Cd, Ag) we can select a suitable treatment for its detoxification.
  • Through the balancing of trace elements, disorders of the organism are prevented before they manifest.
  • The Hair Analysis retesting allows the monitoring of rehabilitation through diet improvement, and body detoxification by supplement intake
  • In already-manifested disease (osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, hypo/hyperthyroidism, gastritis, anaemia, obesity, diabetes, dermatitis, arthritis, hair loss, acne), a more effective and faster treatment is achieved by mineral regulatio


The Metabolomic Profiling is a test that involves measuring metabolites for the assessment of health status. It is the most simple and precise method to evaluate the current situation and it also takes environmental influences into account, such as diet or exercise or toxicity.

Measuring basic metabolites is one of the most accurate tests available for the detection and identification of specific nutritional and metabolic causes associated with difficult health problems.

The use of advanced technologies allows us to detect and measure chemical substances at infinitesimal concentrations (Tandem LC/MS)

Our body is a machine that uses carbon  in the presence of oxygen at 37 °C. In order for the multifarious chemical reactions that characterize the smooth functioning of our bodies to occur, it is necessary to have sufficient quantities of a multitude of components.

Through the Metabolomic Profile and the measurement of essential metabolic markers, we can measure the derivatives of these chemical reactions and determine with high precision which ones are normally processed, which are underactive and which are overactive.

When a metabolic pathway within our organism is affected, the functioning of all the cells in our body is influenced too.

The diagnostic and therapeutic approach through the measurement and recording of human organism metabolites is called Metabolomics.

The Metabolomic Profile assesses the following:

  • Lipid metabolism
  • The metabolism of nerve cells and neurotransmitters (substances that transmit nerve signals)
  • Carbohydrate metabolism (sugars, starch, complex carbohydrates, fructose)
  • Oxidative damage
  • The adequacy of vitamins and micro-nutrients
  • The state of the bacterial flora of the organism
  • Micro-inflammations
  • The detoxification ability and the toxic burden
  • The DNA methylation (protection) factors

This specific test can provide us with information of vital importance  on conditions such as:

  • Cardiovascular
  • Diabetes
  • Neurological
  • Autoimmune
  • Stomach or intestinal conditions
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Depression
  • Obesity

The Metabolomic Profile test is performed on blood and urine samples in Greece, in collaboration with one of the top 5 metabolic disease laboratories, in the US and Europe, which have high technical standards necessary to carry out the test, with certification provided by both the European Research Network for evaluation and improvement of screening, Diagnosis and treatment of Inherited Disorders of Metabolism (ERNDIM is the scientific institute with the highest laboratory standards worldwide) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).